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Kim Kardashian Taylor Swift Call

Taylor Swift and Kim Kardashian: A Feud Reignited

A History of Bad Blood

The simmering animosity between Taylor Swift and Kim Kardashian dates back to 2016, when Kardashian publicly posted a snippet of a phone conversation between Swift and Kanye West, Swift's ex-boyfriend.

The Leaked Phone Call

The leaked snippet, which was later revealed to be part of a longer 25-minute conversation, showed Swift seemingly giving West permission to rap about her in his song "Famous." However, Swift later claimed that she had never approved the specific lyrics in the song, which she found offensive.

Kim's Response

Kardashian responded by releasing additional recordings from the phone call, which she claimed proved that Swift had lied about her involvement in the song. This prompted Swift to issue a scathing statement, calling Kardashian a "snake" and accusing her of trying to "manipulate the truth."

The Reignited Feud

Nearly 15 years after the initial incident, Swift reignited the feud on Friday when she addressed the leaked phone call in an interview with Variety. She claimed that Kardashian had "edited" the recording to make it appear as though she had approved the song's lyrics.

Swift's Comments

"I would very much like to be excluded from this narrative," Swift told Variety. "I have never edited anything ever in my life. The world is going to know that at some point."

Kardashian's Silence

As of now, Kardashian has not publicly responded to Swift's comments. However, her Instagram account has been flooded with snake emojis, indicating that fans are taking Swift's side in the renewed feud.

SEO Optimization

* **Keywords:** Taylor Swift, Kim Kardashian, feud, leaked phone call, "Famous" * **Title:** Taylor Swift Rekindles Feud with Kim Kardashian over Leaked Phone Call * **Meta Description:** Taylor Swift has reignited her years-long feud with Kim Kardashian over a 2016 leaked phone call that allegedly gave Kanye West permission to rap about Swift. * **Header Tags:** *

Taylor Swift and Kim Kardashian: A Feud Reignited


A History of Bad Blood


The Leaked Phone Call

* **Alt Tags:** * Image of Taylor Swift and Kim Kardashian: "Taylor Swift and Kim Kardashian Reignite Feud" * Screenshot of leaked phone call: "Leaked Phone Call Between Taylor Swift and Kanye West"
